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400 views, 75 downloads!
January 17, 2025
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Hello there, Codfish has officially been viewed 400 times and downloaded 75 times! Thank you for the support everyone, and I hope to get more updates out soon. You'll be glad to know that all of the s...
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Update regarding the co-op mode
December 19, 2024
One Shot
Hey everyone, Recently I made a proof of concept of Codfish's co-op mode, Hollow, in Black Ops 3. It has some of the features that will be present in Hollow, such as the weapon portal, permanent perks...
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v0.5 released! Two new maps and a boatload of weapons
October 30, 2024
One Shot
Hey everyone, v0.5 is out! Enjoy a new arsenal of weapons and (hopefully) faster loading than ever before! Changes from v0.4 (08/30/24) - 2 new maps, Wood and Icosahedron, with accompanying music - Al...
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Working on ragdolls and stuff
September 11, 2024
One Shot
and a funny little bug happened where the ragdoll was colliding within itself the main focus for v0.5 is going to be stability, adding all (i should say most) weapons, and updated map designs. maybe a...
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v0.4 released! New maps, map cycle, and a loadout system
August 30, 2024
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Hey everyone, v0.4 is finally out. I uncovered some stuff during a playtest with a friend of mine that I'll need to fix. Some of that is in this build, some of it is not and will either be in a hotfix...
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v0.4 out soon! Need to test networking first
August 27, 2024
One Shot
Hey everyone, I'm glad to announce that a release candidate of v0.4 is ready, but it needs to go through some internal testing to see if network connections are alright. Map cycling is implemented in...
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A lot to unpack
July 20, 2024
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Hi there. It's been a while. I got back into the jig of things and I've been slowly but surely working on the game for the past month or so. I'm going to unpack a lot of the changes that have arisen o...
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The full game plan - an outline of what's to come
May 12, 2024
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Hey all, I'm going to be honest; I'm kind of burnt out on making this game. There are a ton of decisions that need to be made and a ton of systems that need programmed and it's got my head all in a fl...
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Going to be away for a while
April 25, 2024
One Shot
Hey everyone. You'll be glad to know that the loadout system is fully coded and implemented. It saves data from each class to a .tres file and then can read from it. However, it's not connected to any...
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Loadout system and the general game plan
April 10, 2024
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Hey everyone. Sorry for skipping a log, but I've been really busy with things. I'd like to take a moment to talk about the loadout system I'm currently making as well as general game design stuff. Thi...
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silencers :)
March 24, 2024
One Shot
working on QoL stuff and implementing the framework for other modes. also silencers fun fun very fun...
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New build released! v0.3 (03/16/24)
March 16, 2024
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we're back Sorry for the delay, but I just kept running into issue after issue while coding the multiplayer. I think it's somewhat stable now. Changes from v0.2 (02/16/24) - ONLINE MULTIPLAYER! well...
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Sneak peek of v0.3
March 07, 2024
One Shot
Hey everyone. Here's a short sneak peek of what's to come in v0.3. If all goes well, the new build should be out no later than Monday...
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New weapons and new weapon mechanics
February 25, 2024
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helo I've been working on getting all of the standard weapons in the game animated, imported, and ready to go. I've currently got all secondaries except for the VZ. 61, two more sniper rifles, and one...
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New build released! v0.2 (02/16/24)
February 17, 2024
One Shot
how's it goin' Ok, so there are some very significant changes with this new build of the game, and I apologize for not getting to them sooner because they're kinda basic for a first person shooter. He...
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Update on the upcoming build
February 13, 2024
One Shot
hey. hi. hello. how's everybody doing today? i've been hard at work these past couple of days polishing the game framework and putting in actual gameplay . that includes things like true iron sights i...
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