Update on the upcoming build

hey. hi. hello. how's everybody doing today?

i've been hard at work these past couple of days polishing the game framework and putting in actual gameplay. that includes things like true iron sights instead of the counter-strike style zoom, points and frags (and extra points if you have a large enough killstreak!) and bots that don't jitter all over the place and actually present a challenge. oh, and spawn points too.

this image is from literally an hour ago and you can definitely see how much has changed. supernova, the only map in the game currently, has much improved lighting and is finished now (i think) and points have an impact in the game now. also there's an itty bitty grenade indicator next to the ammo count. isn't that cool? (not really)

the next couple things i have to implement to complete this build are ammo pickups, and score and time limits. it should take no more than a couple days. 

until then, have a nice day!

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